Projectile Poop part 2

(caption: The culprit blowing spit bubbles)

This morning, like any other morning, I had Caleb on the couch next to me while I ate my bowl of cereal. However, unlike other mornings, I sat Caleb up and let him lean on me. Todd happened to look over and say, "You look like a scared little boy son."

Moments later, we understood his facial expression better.

A wet explosion shot out the side of his leg leaving a nice stream along the cushion. My spoon froze in mid-air. Todd, once again, doubled over in laughter. (How come he always laughs the hardest when Caleb has a blow-out?!)

The next thing I knew, Todd said, "Well, gotta go!" Then he packed up and left for campus...

Caleb felt so relieved that he laughed the whole time I cleaned (probably because of the faces I made).

Poked and Prodded

Last Friday was Caleb's 2 month wellness check up. It also happened to be the appointment where he got his first round of shots. I was so worried for him that I made Todd come with me...mainly for emotional support.

First they weighed and measured him. It felt like Caleb had been growing right before my eyes a lot of the time - and I was right! Caleb is now 12.12 lbs. and 24.5 inches long (almost double his birth weight!) which puts him in the 93rd percentile for height and 75th for weight. He's somewhere in the 22nd percentile for his head size, which is exactly what you want in a baby (or so says the pediatrician).

After we had a little question and answers session with the doc, a nurse came in and gave him three shots (two in one thigh and one in the other) and an oral vaccine. He cried for about 30 seconds and was fine. I, on the other hand, nervously monitored him constantly for the next 48 hours. I am so thankful for such a healthy baby!!!

Look how exponential his growth charts are!

"Might I have a bit of earth?" (The Secret Garden)

Our downstairs neighbor kindly invited us to participate in the little garden out front. Todd used his manly strength to rip up several roots from a tree that had been removed a while ago. He also did some of the roter tilling. (Later she commented that it must be wonderful to have a big strong man around to help. I had to agree whole heartedly).

Mary had already planted squash, tomatoes, and onions amongst the flowers and herbs from last year. She gave us one of the tomato plants, and I got to add three little rows of beans, a couple sunflower seeds, a little patch of basil seeds, and two plants from the farmer's market. Every time we see her, she asks if we want to grow anything else...but honestly, there isn't any more room!

Each morning and evening, after the danger of intense sunshine has past, I can hear her down there watering everything. I really hope she hasn't washed away any of my seeds! It will be very exciting if anything actually grows - especially the sunflowers. I planted them with the idea of Caleb's reaction to flowers bigger than him. :)

Here is a picture of the bean give you an idea of how short they are.

And here is a picture of my lemon thyme and cilantro from the Provo farmer's market. The cilantro wasn't a fan of replanting, but it looks like it will survive.

weeks 8-9

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When my mom was here helping us adjust to our new life as parents we came up with the idea of photo documenting Caleb's growth using the Bible. Look how much he has changed from early April till today!


Our dear son is starting to interact with us. Its great fun playing with him. He loves to be entertained. Everyday we dance and sing and pretty much make fools of our selves. Here are a few video clips of Caleb laughing and having fun.

Here is Mom playing with him:

And here is dad playing with him: