Happy Halloween!

We didn't go trick-or-treating this year since Caleb is a little too small to appreciate the effort. However, we played dress up!
First Caleb was "part of this complete breakfast."

Then he tried out the role of Johnny Appleseed.

The hat didn't fit very well, so he decided to go for some "candy" instead!

Blow baby Blow!

Todd introduced Caleb to his trumpet today. He didn't exactly get the hang of it, but I did get a cute video!

My growth

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Computer Questions?

So I figure that since I'm learning all this cool computer stuff that I should start making posts about some of it. I've been mulling around starting another blog for that one purpose. What say ye? Should I just keep it here or move it? Oh, and you are more than welcome to submit questions you would like answered, or topics you would like covered.