We have a baby gorilla!

Caleb discovered that he could make this sound at 5:30 this morning...he kept practicing throughout the day. I wonder what he'll do after watching Tarzan!

My growth

Caleb will be 5 months tomorrow. He is growing up so fast!

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Caleb updates

Besides taking a lot more interest in his surroundings, Caleb has become fascinated with his body. Take feet for instance...they're probably the coolest thing in the world right next to eating and playing with Daddy! You can hold them, put them in your mouth, grab things with your toes, and then thump your legs real hard on the floor to scare the downstairs neighbor!

Caleb has also become attracted to books. Ok, in reality he's probably just attracted to color and things he can put in his mouth. But, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? by Dr. Suess is apparently a very intriguing read. (He thinks it's better when someone else makes the sounds for him.)

Moving on his own has become a priority too. Caleb has been able to flip from his back to his stomach for a few weeks now; all he has to do is hold his feet till he falls onto his side, then straighten out. But yesterday he managed to roll over from his stomach to his back!

Safety buckles have also become more mandatory. Usually I don't bother buckling him into his chair if I'm right next to him, like when I'm doing the dishes. Yesterday morning he was fussing a little while I finished cleaning. All of a sudden he was silent. I glanced over to see if maybe he fell asleep. Instead, I found he had scooted out of his chair and was kneeling on the kitchen floor holding on for dear life! From the look on his face, he had surprised himself with this new ability as well. (Sadly, his balance isn't good enough to let me walk away, so I couldn't get the camera for a picture.)

BYU Football

The BYU football team had an open practice this morning, so of course we went. Caleb got his first glimpse of American football on his daddy's knee (though he often looked the wrong way).

Caleb had to take a time out for a quick nap.

But it wasn't long before he was up and ready for more action. If Todd keeps this up, I'll have two official football fanatics on my hands!

Our Bit of Earth is green!

We're finally getting produce from out little garden in the front yard. Since the neighbor that initiated the project doesn't really eat too much, we've been benefiting from the semi-abundance of fresh food!

Yesterday I picked 20 large tomatoes, peeled and pureed them, and stuck them in the freezer for sauces later. There are several more ripe tomatoes, but I think I'll ask our neighbor if she wants more before I "go a'pickin."

The crookneck squash are overgrown to the point of swallowing most of my meager three rows of beans. But I do have two or three stubborn Cherokee wax plants that provided me with a small handful of tender beans.

As wonderful as the produce is, I'm still the proudest of our awesome sunflower plants! Caleb can see the biggest one from our living room window and it never fails to catch his eye when the shades are up.

Earlier today, I picked the largest zucchini we've grown. Look at it compared to Caleb (who happens to be taking his afternoon nap).