
Think of your hard drive like a book shelf. When you first put the books on they are neatly arranged, maybe by size or by type. After a while as the books are taken down used and put back up, they are misplaced, forced into a smaller spot or just plain old relocated. This makes finding books difficult and it takes time.

Many times when your computer is slowing down and the hard drive is cranking away the files are fragmented. This means that your Word document that you have been working on isn't saved all together. Depending on the file-system the computer breaks all files into several chunks called blocks. Then when saving the file it looks for the next available space big enough for all or some of the blocks. If not all of the blocks fit then it looks for space somewhere else to place the remaining pieces. When your hard drive gets cluttered like this it takes time to find all the pieces of a file.

So what is one to do? How do you reorganize your hard drive so that all the pieces are put together nicely? Defragmentation.

Defragmentation is the reorganization of your hard drive. There are many programs that do it but not all are created equal. Microsoft Windows has a built in defragmentation program. The latest version in Windows 7 is getting better but some free and open source programs are better. The best one that I have used is called MyDefrag, formerly JKDefrag. I dont really know what it does that is so much better but it is. I've used a lot of different programs and this is the best, and its FREE! Free is always good.

So when your computer is starting to slow down think defrag before you throw it out the window. A monthly defrag session will keep your hard drive nice and organized. That way you will know if something else is wrong.

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth... match my two bottom teeth!

Caleb sprouted these at the same time. He was being a super-grump all Friday. Then when we were at Adam and Caprise's house to watch the BYU vs. Wyoming game (I think) he got upset and bit my finger!

Ever since then, Caleb has taken to chewing on everything. Our poor coffee table (or cocoa table as my mom likes to joke) has nice little teeth marks along the bottom of the edges. And the varnish has been entirely eaten off one of the corners. I hope Caleb doesn't take offense to this when he grows up, but having a baby is a lot like having a puppy!

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

I put up our Christmas tree during the BYU vs Utah game so that we could enjoy it before heading out for the holidays. I strategically place it in a cubby created by our couches so that a certain little one didn't pull it down on himself. The cubby left just one side exposed. After Caleb discovered the weakness, we had to put his arch-nemesis (the singing cow) on guard duty...

I never thought I would use a cow as a Christmas decoration, but I'm not complaining since Christ was born in a stable. It actually seems quit fitting! Plus, our tree has remained in tact for several weeks now. Caleb still likes to peak at the tree from the other side...when he thinks no one is looking.

Tech Support Cheat Sheet

I saw this and thought that it was pretty funny as well as accurate.

Now lets get the tech blogs flowing!

My new exercise program...

My new exercise program is called "retrieve Caleb." This week, Caleb surprised us by crawling forward AND pulling himself to a standing position on anything he can grab. Unless he is in arms, or confined to his bouncy toys, he gets into everything! As a consequence, I'm always on the move too. I filmed this little clip yesterday while his dad took a much needed nap:

Don't forget the pumpkin

As part of our little family Halloween celebration, we introduced Caleb to his pumpkin and the art of pumpkin carving.

He wasn't impressed with the slimy stuff inside.

He didn't particularly like the flavor of the shell either.

But putting a light into his pumpkin made the whole adventure magical enough for him!

P.S. We carved a C.H. for Caleb Harper's first Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

We didn't go trick-or-treating this year since Caleb is a little too small to appreciate the effort. However, we played dress up!
First Caleb was "part of this complete breakfast."

Then he tried out the role of Johnny Appleseed.

The hat didn't fit very well, so he decided to go for some "candy" instead!

Blow baby Blow!

Todd introduced Caleb to his trumpet today. He didn't exactly get the hang of it, but I did get a cute video!

My growth

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Computer Questions?

So I figure that since I'm learning all this cool computer stuff that I should start making posts about some of it. I've been mulling around starting another blog for that one purpose. What say ye? Should I just keep it here or move it? Oh, and you are more than welcome to submit questions you would like answered, or topics you would like covered.

I will not eat green beans!

Sundays are new food days for Caleb. This week is green beans. I think you can guess his opinion of them from the pictures...


Todd joined an intermural soccer team with a couple of his buddies again this year. While we aren't able to go cheer for Daddy when his games are on school nights, we were able to go last Friday! Caleb fell asleep toward the end of the second half...

Todd's team dominated their opponents 8-0. Afterward, he got a victory snuggle from his little buddy.

New Tastes and Touches

First Caleb was interested in watching us drink and grabbing our cups.

So we got him his own big boy sippy cup! He still isn't sure if he likes to drink water, but he thinks it is fun to let it dribble down his chin.

Then he tried getting into plates and mimicking our chewing. So we finally tried him on his own rice cereal. As Todd said, he is a true Harper! He ate half a tablespoon of food (I accidentally spilled the other half) and still wanted more!

Caleb made two other discoveries during the past week: his ears and clicking his tongue. I think he learned to click his tongue from the guys in Todd's computer lab...which makes me wonder what else he is going to pick up from them. Am I concerned? Mmm, maybe a little.

Smile for the camera?

Thougth ya'all might enjoy this video!

We have a baby gorilla!

Caleb discovered that he could make this sound at 5:30 this morning...he kept practicing throughout the day. I wonder what he'll do after watching Tarzan!

My growth

Caleb will be 5 months tomorrow. He is growing up so fast!

Click here to view these pictures larger

Caleb updates

Besides taking a lot more interest in his surroundings, Caleb has become fascinated with his body. Take feet for instance...they're probably the coolest thing in the world right next to eating and playing with Daddy! You can hold them, put them in your mouth, grab things with your toes, and then thump your legs real hard on the floor to scare the downstairs neighbor!

Caleb has also become attracted to books. Ok, in reality he's probably just attracted to color and things he can put in his mouth. But, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? by Dr. Suess is apparently a very intriguing read. (He thinks it's better when someone else makes the sounds for him.)

Moving on his own has become a priority too. Caleb has been able to flip from his back to his stomach for a few weeks now; all he has to do is hold his feet till he falls onto his side, then straighten out. But yesterday he managed to roll over from his stomach to his back!

Safety buckles have also become more mandatory. Usually I don't bother buckling him into his chair if I'm right next to him, like when I'm doing the dishes. Yesterday morning he was fussing a little while I finished cleaning. All of a sudden he was silent. I glanced over to see if maybe he fell asleep. Instead, I found he had scooted out of his chair and was kneeling on the kitchen floor holding on for dear life! From the look on his face, he had surprised himself with this new ability as well. (Sadly, his balance isn't good enough to let me walk away, so I couldn't get the camera for a picture.)

BYU Football

The BYU football team had an open practice this morning, so of course we went. Caleb got his first glimpse of American football on his daddy's knee (though he often looked the wrong way).

Caleb had to take a time out for a quick nap.

But it wasn't long before he was up and ready for more action. If Todd keeps this up, I'll have two official football fanatics on my hands!

Our Bit of Earth is green!

We're finally getting produce from out little garden in the front yard. Since the neighbor that initiated the project doesn't really eat too much, we've been benefiting from the semi-abundance of fresh food!

Yesterday I picked 20 large tomatoes, peeled and pureed them, and stuck them in the freezer for sauces later. There are several more ripe tomatoes, but I think I'll ask our neighbor if she wants more before I "go a'pickin."

The crookneck squash are overgrown to the point of swallowing most of my meager three rows of beans. But I do have two or three stubborn Cherokee wax plants that provided me with a small handful of tender beans.

As wonderful as the produce is, I'm still the proudest of our awesome sunflower plants! Caleb can see the biggest one from our living room window and it never fails to catch his eye when the shades are up.

Earlier today, I picked the largest zucchini we've grown. Look at it compared to Caleb (who happens to be taking his afternoon nap).

Projectile Poop part 2

(caption: The culprit blowing spit bubbles)

This morning, like any other morning, I had Caleb on the couch next to me while I ate my bowl of cereal. However, unlike other mornings, I sat Caleb up and let him lean on me. Todd happened to look over and say, "You look like a scared little boy son."

Moments later, we understood his facial expression better.

A wet explosion shot out the side of his leg leaving a nice stream along the cushion. My spoon froze in mid-air. Todd, once again, doubled over in laughter. (How come he always laughs the hardest when Caleb has a blow-out?!)

The next thing I knew, Todd said, "Well, gotta go!" Then he packed up and left for campus...

Caleb felt so relieved that he laughed the whole time I cleaned (probably because of the faces I made).

Poked and Prodded

Last Friday was Caleb's 2 month wellness check up. It also happened to be the appointment where he got his first round of shots. I was so worried for him that I made Todd come with me...mainly for emotional support.

First they weighed and measured him. It felt like Caleb had been growing right before my eyes a lot of the time - and I was right! Caleb is now 12.12 lbs. and 24.5 inches long (almost double his birth weight!) which puts him in the 93rd percentile for height and 75th for weight. He's somewhere in the 22nd percentile for his head size, which is exactly what you want in a baby (or so says the pediatrician).

After we had a little question and answers session with the doc, a nurse came in and gave him three shots (two in one thigh and one in the other) and an oral vaccine. He cried for about 30 seconds and was fine. I, on the other hand, nervously monitored him constantly for the next 48 hours. I am so thankful for such a healthy baby!!!

Look how exponential his growth charts are!

"Might I have a bit of earth?" (The Secret Garden)

Our downstairs neighbor kindly invited us to participate in the little garden out front. Todd used his manly strength to rip up several roots from a tree that had been removed a while ago. He also did some of the roter tilling. (Later she commented that it must be wonderful to have a big strong man around to help. I had to agree whole heartedly).

Mary had already planted squash, tomatoes, and onions amongst the flowers and herbs from last year. She gave us one of the tomato plants, and I got to add three little rows of beans, a couple sunflower seeds, a little patch of basil seeds, and two plants from the farmer's market. Every time we see her, she asks if we want to grow anything else...but honestly, there isn't any more room!

Each morning and evening, after the danger of intense sunshine has past, I can hear her down there watering everything. I really hope she hasn't washed away any of my seeds! It will be very exciting if anything actually grows - especially the sunflowers. I planted them with the idea of Caleb's reaction to flowers bigger than him. :)

Here is a picture of the bean give you an idea of how short they are.

And here is a picture of my lemon thyme and cilantro from the Provo farmer's market. The cilantro wasn't a fan of replanting, but it looks like it will survive.

weeks 8-9

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When my mom was here helping us adjust to our new life as parents we came up with the idea of photo documenting Caleb's growth using the Bible. Look how much he has changed from early April till today!


Our dear son is starting to interact with us. Its great fun playing with him. He loves to be entertained. Everyday we dance and sing and pretty much make fools of our selves. Here are a few video clips of Caleb laughing and having fun.

Here is Mom playing with him:

And here is dad playing with him:

Projectile Poop

Caleb has lately gotten into the habit of going number one and not number two till we change his diaper. Ive wanted to wait a little longer before changing him so we wont use up so many diapers.

Anyway, so last night he had a dirty diaper and wouldn't eat until it was changed. Amanda started to change his diaper when I said quite prophetically, "Aim well and true, son." Of course he only had a wet diaper. Amanda was getting ready to put the new diaper on when he scrunched up his face and pushed with all his might. The result was projectile poop. He must have shot it at least two feet. It got the bed, the floor and all over Amanda. I couldn't hardly stop laughing to clean it up.

I guess I wont be suggesting anything like that to Caleb anymore.

Bombs away.

Our Luck

So I'm pretty sure that we lucked out in Caleb. Nothing seems to phase this kid. Loud sudden noises happen and he doesn't jump. He is pretty well laid back, and yes he passed his hearing test at the hospital. We've gotten in a routine with him now at night. The first two days were kinda rough because someone had to hold him for him to sleep. Now we set him in his bassinet and he sleeps till he wakes up hungry. He is fed, diaper changed and goes back down to sleep till the next round. How lucky is that? I hope this isn't the calm before the storm though.


So Sunday we brought Caleb home. Amanda later said that we probably should have stayed over night again so she could get her pain meds and so that they could monitor Caleb just a little bit more. The reason for the latter is that sometimes it's hard to tell if he is breathing. So anyway, we brought him home. That night was pretty long. We alternated about every hour watching him so that the other could sleep a little. I think that I got more sleep than Amanda since it seemed that he was nursing all night long.

On Monday Amanda's mom flew in to help out. This is a good thing. That night we went into bed around 9ish while she played with him and kept him awake. He fed again around midnight and Amanda brought him in around one. Amanda was exausted so I woke up and stayed up with him till about six, only snoozing a little when he nursed in the middle. About six he nursed again and after Amanda's mom took him and let us sleep. I didnt wake up till about 11:30. That was a nice long uninterrupted sleep. So he is home. Being tired is starting to become natural. Welcome to the club right?

Caleb Michael Harper

Saturday. AM. 5:03................................................

Another Harper was born. Caleb Michael made his way into our lives. Thursday evening Amanda started to have pre-labor contractions. They weren't strong, and only had a couple an hour. That continued all night. Every so often she would kind of groan in her sleep because of them. I kept waking up asking if she was ok, and she was. I was lucky enough not to have classes on Firday so I took Amanda up to hers. I got some stuff done around the house and picked her up in the early afternoon. She was still having contractions but still the pre-labor ones.

We had a relaxing afternoon. She watched While You Were Sleeping, and I worked from home. About seven or so she decided to lie down for a little bit. A little bit later she came out saying that the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. At that point we started timing them. After about six or so being relatively close she took a hot shower to help with the cramping. They kept getting stronger and stronger. by ten thirty or so we time them again and they are getting closer together so we called the doctor to let them know we were going in. We get into the hospital around eleven thirty that night. Here is where the fun begins.

When we get in they check Amanda out and say that within a few hours we should have a baby. Contraction after contraction and we werent getting closer. By four in the morning the doctor tells Amanda to start pushing with each contraction. I dont think I've seen someone's face get so red. It hurt watching. By 4:30 the doctor checks the position of the baby and realizes whats wrong. Instead of being face down with his chin tucked so that his head could go through easily, Caleb was face-up with his chin up. Thats why there wasnt any progress being made. I must say here that up untill this point Amanda did not receive any medication. To say that she is a warrior is an understatement.

So the doctor says that there are basically two options, a c-section and using forcepts to help the baby through. The c-section was the last resort in the event that the forcepts didnt work. So they wheel Amanda into the operating room to get her set up. There they give her an epidural to numb her for the procedure. I on the other hand am changing into scrubs so I can be in the same room. I get in the room and they get underway. It was interesing to be in the procedure. The whole time I kept thinking, all this medical advancement and we have to resort to using pliers deliver the baby. Needless to say the forcepts worked. The poor little guy has a nasty bruise on his head. Good thing that will go away in a few days.

So his stats:
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz
Length: 19.5 inches
Official time: 5:03 AM

So there is the story. Little Caleb is here to stay.
Now I'm going to sleep.


So last Thursday Amanda had quite the adventure at home after she got back from campus. To start the story, the kitchen sink faucet hardly has any water pressure at all. This makes it difficult to do dishes so we tend to let them build up cause neither of us wants to deal with the horrible water pressure.

So Thursday came along and it was time for the dishes to be done. Amanda, bless her heart, got home from school and did them instead of doing homework or taking a nap. After doing the dishes she needed to get ready for work so she hopped in the shower like she normally does. As she was about to dry her hair she heard some water running. She checked the shower, and nothing. She checked behind the washer, and nothing. Checked the kitchen sink, nothing. Then she opened up the utility closet and she is met with steaming hot water gushing from the water heater. By that time enough water had leaked that the carpet was wet.

Not having had any experience with something like that before she frantically looked for something to turn it off. Not seeing anything she ran for the cleaning bucket to catch the water. After placing the bucket she inspected the heater again and she saw a lever on the top. She figured, what the hey, it's worth a try. So she flipped it. As she was reaching to flip the lever her wrist touched one of the pipes and she got burned, though she didn't realize it at the time. After flipping the lever she wasn't sure if she had done the right thing since the water didn't stop right away but was still dripping. She ran and got some towels to soak up some of the water and also took advantage to dump out the bucket. By that time the water was at a heavy drip. It was then that she hopped online and told me about it. I called Uncle Jim who went down and fixed the valve.

Needless to say Amanda didn't make it to work that day. She wound up having a burn on her wrist about the size of a quarter. It bubbled up to a blister that night but now it's healing quite nicely. The worst part about the whole danged thing is we didn't get a chance to get the sink fixed, so we are still stuck with no water pressure in the sink. Looking over right now to it, I can see some dishes that I've got to do.

They can wait a little longer.....

Mobile Apps

So I'm in an operating systems class. Its a good class. I enjoy going and learning. We have a lot of labs and two "big" projects. One is to build our own OS. No not write one ourselves, but get the source code and put together an OS with all the features that we want and then compile it. The other big project is to write an application for a mobile platform like the iphone or Windows Mobile or Google's Android. To get a C we can do a simple "Hello World" app which is really easy to do, hence the C. To get an A we can come up with something of our own and write the application. I decided to do a memory game for the Windows Mobile platform and I'm almost done. Everything works except for keeping score. At the moment you can only play a 4 by 4 square. I think that I might add an option for other sizes too, but probably after I turn the project in. The hardest part about writing it was learning the syntax to do it. C# is a weird language, but when you learn the syntax its pretty easy to do things. The other problem that I havent solved yet is actually porting the app to a phone. Right now it just runs in the emulator. Im anxious to see how it does on a real phone.

A couple of friends in the lab and my self are going to write an application for the iphone. The idea is to make some money. We just need to come up with a good idea for an application. It can be anything. One of the top ten apps for the iphone is called iFart, which plays different flatulant sounds. Thats it. And the creator has made close to a million. So if anyone has any good ideas send them my way and who knows, it might turn out to be a best seller.

A depressed plant

Last week we moved. It was a great way to bring in the new year. I guess we really took the whole change thing to heart. New years day we got up early and started the move. Smart us we never went and got boxes so we used the ones we had on hand from different appliances. Amanda packed them up and I moved them out. I think I made three or four trips on my own and Amanda came on two or three more. By the end of the day we had successfully moved most of our apartment. Man was I sore. I dont know what was heavier, the boxes of books or the clothes that we left on the hangars to put right back in the closet. Maybe the clothes since they had my suits and stuff too. Since I'm a big guy I need a lot of cloth to cover me.

The second we once again got up early and made another trip moving. We had some guys from the Spanish ward come with a truck to help us move the big stuff. Amanda stayed in the old apartment and started cleaning. Within an hour or so we had all our furniture moved over. It was me and a 17 year old kid that did all the heavy lifting. The couch was the worst. I dont remember it being so hard to get up in that apartment. After we got the furniture moved I went back and started cleaning with Amanda. We got done that night around six or so and got all checked out. We did have one last car load in the car with things like the vaccum and the microwave and Amanda's plant but I was done moving things from the car so I left them there. That proved to be a not so good idea, especially for the plant.

So the next day we realize that we need a few things that were in the car so we decide to unload it. The temperature the night before was pretty low so everything was still very cold. We bring everything in and get to work setting up house. A little later we see this:

Apparently the plant had frozen. When I brought it in from the car everything was still standing upright so I didnt think anything of it. There was no hope in saving the depressed leaves so they had to be cut and this was the result:

Poor plant. Amanda was going to re-pot it since it was getting so big, but it doesn't need it anymore. I got our entertainment center all put together. Some of the plastic corner braces were busted so I had to go out and get some metal ones to fix it. Now its even more sturdier than it was before. I did a good job if I do say so myself. The rest of the third consisted of getting things kind of put in the right place but not all the way moved in. Stay tuned for the next installment.