Red Barn
After packing the essentials into Caleb's backpack,
we hit the road!
we hit the road!
On our way to the pumpkin patch!
Playing on the old John Deere.
Caleb found his way through the pint-sized maze
(with a little backseat driving from Dad).
It was funny to see a bunch of adult heads floating above the maze
while hearing delighted screams from their little ones.
(with a little backseat driving from Dad).
It was funny to see a bunch of adult heads floating above the maze
while hearing delighted screams from their little ones.
Searching for just the right one took a long time. Caleb gave up looking after stumbling through the uneven field too many times. Todd picked his pumpkin within the first 60 seconds! And me? Well, I guess I was the most excited. I kept wandering further and further until I came back with two. Todd asked me to leave one behind :( Poor pumpkin.
The farm put up a display table with examples of priced sizes
and allowed us to price our own pumpkins.
and allowed us to price our own pumpkins.
We didn't stay for the weigh-in of these giants,
but I'm hoping to find out the results from their blog.
Caleb cried most of the way home because it was well past nap time.
Ironically, he fell asleep a minute and a half away from home.
As Todd says, "he was one tired tater."
Ironically, he fell asleep a minute and a half away from home.
As Todd says, "he was one tired tater."