Caleb is 3!

Todd has been calling Caleb a 3 year old for months now. It was driving me crazy! But we're all good until Caleb is about to turn 4.

We had a little family celebration on his actual birthday. And then (much to my chagrin because the apartment was the dirtiest it had ever been before yet also joy because it's always great to see family and friends), Caleb's friend Joseph and cousin Victoria both surprised us during the day. Then we topped off the evening with a dinner of his choice, and cake with ice cream!

Today, we had a little party in his honor as well. Unfortunately, the friend who was going to bring a baseball bat (for the pinata) had the stomach flu. But one sweet little friend was still able to come and play for the afternoon!

1 Response
  1. lindaharper Says:

    They grow up too fast!! I can remember his daddy turning 3, it seems like yesterday and now my baby is all grown up!