Earth Day!

I decided the night before that we should celebrate Earth Day. Sooo....

We made paper trees,
(Madeline will tell you all about it in her own little language.)

went on a nature scavenger hunt,

("Mom I can't see you...")
inspected the growth of the snow peas we planted two weeks ago,
(Caleb stepped on one of the sprouts, and Madeline pulled up another one)
 and of course, we made Earth Day cupcakes.

(We even shared some with friends!)

To finish off the evening, Caleb started our family home evening with a demonstration of how his primary teachers teach, "Who made the earth? JESUS!" (While holding up a pictures of Jesus and the earth.) Then we watched this....

All in all, it was a good day.
1 Response
  1. lindaharper Says:

    I love it! They look like they had so much fun! What a wonderful day. I can remember the first earth day in 1972 or 1973. Back then they were worried about a coming ice age!