Projectile Poop part 2

This morning, like any other morning, I had Caleb on the couch next to me while I ate my bowl of cereal. However, unlike other mornings, I sat Caleb up and let him lean on me. Todd happened to look over and say, "You look like a scared little boy son."
Moments later, we understood his facial expression better.
A wet explosion shot out the side of his leg leaving a nice stream along the cushion. My spoon froze in mid-air. Todd, once again, doubled over in laughter. (How come he always laughs the hardest when Caleb has a blow-out?!)
The next thing I knew, Todd said, "Well, gotta go!" Then he packed up and left for campus...
Caleb felt so relieved that he laughed the whole time I cleaned (probably because of the faces I made).