Nap time...
...but not for Caleb.

Todd started working 7pm-7am, 3 times a week. Therefore, we (meaning me) need to be creative with "quiet-Caleb-solutions" during the majority of the day. I'll be the first to admit that going to the park is not very original; however, it sure does make Caleb happy (and gets me out and walking about).

Slides are still his favorite. Despite my persistence, he continues to wholeheartedly believe that swings are evil contraptions.
Todd started working 7pm-7am, 3 times a week. Therefore, we (meaning me) need to be creative with "quiet-Caleb-solutions" during the majority of the day. I'll be the first to admit that going to the park is not very original; however, it sure does make Caleb happy (and gets me out and walking about).
Awww! That's an awesome looking park and Caleb seems to be enjoying himself. *nod*
Why on earth is Todd working such a terrible shift? Disapproval...